Spesialis dalam Air Compressor untuk Segala Sektor
Kami menyediakan Air Compressor untuk berbagai sektor, seperti konstruksi, manufaktur, dan pertambangan. Dengan peralatan berkualitas dan layanan profesional, kami siap memenuhi kebutuhan Anda!
Tersebar di sejumlah kota besar lainnya untuk memudahkan Anda yang ingin bertemu langsung dengan konsultan kami.
About Us
PT Fadnov Airtech Indonesia
PT. Fadnov Airtech Indonesia, established on June 9, 2008, in Bandung, Indonesia, specializes in Air Compressor rental and General Trading.
Our commitment to customer satisfaction is reflected in our motto, “We are not only focused on customer satisfaction but also customer delight.” To support this commitment, we operate through three collaborative divisions: Unit Division, After Sales & Service Division, and Rental Division to maximize service.
Also we provide a range of products including air compressors, air dryers, and various compressed air equipment tailored to specific needs. We maintain a ready stock of new units and offer a fleet of 100 rental units to meet diverse requirements.
About Us
PT Fadnov Airtech Indonesia
PT. Fadnov Airtech Indonesia, established on June 9, 2008, in Bandung, Indonesia, specializes in Air Compressor rental and General Trading.
Our commitment to customer satisfaction is reflected in our motto, “We are not only focused on customer satisfaction but also customer delight.” To support this commitment, we operate through three collaborative divisions: Unit Division, After Sales & Service Division, and Rental Division to maximize service.
Also we provide a range of products including air compressors, air dryers, and various compressed air equipment tailored to specific needs. We maintain a ready stock of new units and offer a fleet of 100 rental units to meet diverse requirements.
Tahukah Anda bahwa lebih dari 60% kerusakan kompresor udara disebabkan oleh perawatan yang salah atau tidak dilakukan secara rutin? Kompresor udara bukan hanya alat, tetapi
Industri pertambangan adalah salah satu sektor yang sangat bergantung pada keberadaan mesin dan alat berat untuk menjaga kelangsungan operasional. Di antara peralatan tersebut, kompresor udara
Kompresor adalah salah satu elemen vital dalam proses manufaktur. Namun, sebagaimana mesin lainnya, kompresor tidak luput dari masalah teknis yang dapat mengganggu operasional. Masalah pada