Fixed speed rotary screw compressor 2 – 7.5 kW
Categories: Bali, Balikpapan, Batam, Chemicals, Glass Industry, Heavy Equipment, Jakarta, Kalteng, Kupang NTT, Manado, Marine, Mining, Oil & Gas, Oil Injected Compressor, Palangkaraya, Papua, Power Plant, Samarinda
100% oil and silicone-free for clean air critical applications Ultima™ is CompAir’s groundbreaking oil-free PureAir screw compressor with a unique design. It is a brand new compressor range and it utilises a low pressure and high pressure dry screw airend. Each airend is individually driven by a variable speed, permanent magnet synchronous motor, offering exceptional levels of efficiency versus traditional oil-free technology. CompAir is always improving the best products to be even better and more cutting edge.